Общественное мнение


- Preference for Fatty Foods May Have Genetic Roots
- Sea Change Can Forecast South American Wildfires
- Physicists Chip Away at Mystery of Antimatter Imbalance
- El Gordo: A 'Fat' Distant Galaxy Cluster
- Solar Storms Could Sandblast the Moon
- Overfishing Threatens the Survival of Seabirds
- Energy Requirements Make Antarctic Fur Seal Pups Vulnerable to Climate Change
- Bacteria Use Chat to Play the 'Prisoner's Dilemma' Game in Deciding Their Fate
- Possible Hints of Higgs Boson Remain in Latest Analyses, Physicists Say
- Road Runoff Spurring Spotted Salamander Evolution
- Sensing Self and Non-Self: New Research Into Immune Tolerance
- Offsetting Global Warming: Molecule in Earth's Atmosphere Could 'Cool the Planet'
- H. Pylori Bacteria Linked to Blood Sugar Control in Adult Type II Diabetes
- Study Extends the 'Ecology of Fear' to Fear of Parasites
- Sturdy Scandinavian Conifers Survived Ice Age
- Some People Can Hallucinate Colors at Will
- Paint-On Solar Cells Developed
- Pasta-Shaped Radio Waves Beamed Across Venice
- Greenhouse Gas Index Continues to Climb
- Transplanted Cells Repair the Brain in Obese Mice
- Protective Gene Discovered in Fat Cells
- Just Another Pretty Face: New Insight Into Neural Basis of Prosopagnosia
- How Insects 'Remodel' Their Bodies Between Life Stages
- One of the World's Smallest Electronic Circuits Created
- Autistic Brains Develop More Slowly Than Healthy Brains, Researchers Say
- Do Black Holes Help Stars Form?
- Easier Testing for Diabetics? Biochip Measures Glucose in Saliva, Not Blood
- Genetic Information Migrates from Plant to Plant
- Gene Therapy Boosts Brain Repair for Demyelinating Diseases
- Global Winds Could Explain Record Rains, Tornadoes
- Planet Population Is Plentiful: Planets Around Stars Are the Rule Rather Than the Exception
- Researchers Create More Efficient Hydrogen Fuel Cells
- T. Rex Has Most Powerful Bite of Any Terrestrial Animal Ever
- Volcanoes Deliver Two Flavors of Water
- Great Eruption Replay: Astronomers Watch Delayed Broadcast of Powerful Stellar Eruption
- More Trans Fat Consumption Linked to Greater Aggression, Researchers Find
- Dust Linked to Increased Glacier Melting, Ocean Productivity
- NASA's Spitzer Finds Solid Buckyballs in Space
- Land Animals, Ecosystems Walloped After Permian Dieoff
- Ice Age Coyotes Were Supersized Compared to Coyotes Today, Fossil Study Reveals
- Tiny Protein Helps Bacteria 'Talk' and Triggers Defensive Response in Plants
- Less Summer Arctic Sea Ice Cover Means Colder, Snowier Winters in Central Europe
- Evidence Stacks Up That Monolith at Gardom's Edge Is Astronomically Aligned
- Fastest Wind from Stellar-Mass Black Hole
- Greenland Ice Sheet May Melt Completely With 1.6 Degrees of Global Warming
- 'Robot Biologist' Solves Complex Problem from Scratch
- Starving Orangutans Might Help to Better Understand Obesity and Eating Disorders in Humans
- Runner's High Motivated the Evolution of Exercise, Research Suggests
- Smart, Self-Healing Hydrogels Open Far-Reaching Possibilities in Medicine, Engineering
- Warming Antarctic Brings Changes to Penguin Breeding Cycles
- From Tropics to Poles: Study Reveals Diversity of Life in Soils
- Planets Smashed Into Dust Near Supermassive Black Holes
- More Flexible Window Into the Brain
- Gecko Feet Inspire Amazing Glue That Can Hold 700 Pounds On Smooth Wall
- Roots of Hunger and Eating: Plasticity in the Brain's Wiring Controls Feeding Behavior in Mice
- Red Meat Consumption Linked to Increased Risk of Total, Cardiovascular, and Cancer Mortality
- Few Allergies in Unstressed Babies, Swedish Researchers Find
- Giant Asteroid Vesta Likely Cold and Dark Enough for Ice
- Hubble Reveals a New Class of Extrasolar Planet
- Deepest Terrestrial Arthropod Ever Found
- Not Just for the Birds: Human-Made Noise Has Ripple Effects On Plants, Too
- NASA's Swift Finds a Gamma-Ray Burst With a Dual Personality
- New Technique Lets Scientists Peer Within Nanoparticles, See Atomic Structure in 3-D
- New Brain Connections Form in Clusters During Learning
- DNA Sequencing Helps Identify Cancer Cells for Immune System Attack
- Girls' Verbal Skills Make Them Better at Arithmetic, Study Finds
- Regular Chocolate Eaters Are Thinner, Evidence Suggests
- Chimpanzees Have Police Officers, Too
- Disaster Looms for Gas Cloud Falling Into Milky Way's Central Black Hole
- New Material Can Enhance Energy, Computer, Lighting Technologies
- Galaxies Get Up Close and Personal: Collisions in Young Galaxy Cluster
- On the Path to Age-Defying Therapies
- Trees May Play Role in Electrifying the Atmosphere, Study Suggests
- Complex Wiring of the Nervous System May Rely On a Just a Handful of Genes and Proteins
- First-Of-Its-Kind Stem Cell Study Re-Grows Healthy Heart Muscle in Heart Attack Patients
- Earthquakes Generate Big Heat in Super-Small Areas
- Hi-Tech Scans Catch Prehistoric Mite Hitching Ride On Spider
- Following Genetic Footprints out of Africa: First Modern Humans Settled in Arabia
- Geothermal Mapping Report Confirms Vast Coast-To-Coast Clean Energy Source in U.S.
- Giant Planet Ejected from the Solar System?
- Evolution of Staph 'Superbug' Traced Between Humans and Livestock
- Depression: An Evolutionary Byproduct of Immune System?
- Six to Nine-Month-Olds Understand the Meaning of Many Spoken Words
- 'Storm of the Century' May Become 'Storm of the Decade'
- Paleoclimate Record Points Toward Potential Rapid Climate Changes
- Beast With Four Tails: Milky Way Devouring Neighboring Dwarf Galaxies
- Controlling Light at Will: Metamaterials Will Change Optics
- Testosterone Makes Us Less Cooperative and More Egocentric
- Bacteria Tend Leafcutter Ants' Gardens
- Brain Scans Support Findings That IQ Can Rise or Fall Significantly During Adolescence
- Discovery of Hair-Cell Roots Suggests the Brain Modulates Sound Sensitivity
- New Hybrid Technology Could Bring 'Quantum Information Systems'
- Lutetia: A Rare Survivor from the Birth of Earth
- Simpler Times: Did an Earlier Genetic Molecule Predate DNA and RNA?
- Iridescent, Feathered Dinosaur Offers Fresh Evidence That Feathers Evolved to Attract Mates
- Human Skull Is Highly Integrated: Study Sheds New Light On Evolutionary Changes
- Jostling for Position: Competition at the Root of Diversity in Rainforests
- New Evidence for Complex Molecules On Pluto's Surface
- Neuroscientists Boost Memory in Mice Using Genetics and a New Memory-Enhancing Drug
- Microprocessors from Graphene: Discoveries May Advance Electronic Circuit Technology
- Hospital Tests Reveal the Secrets of an Egyptian Mummy
- Tailored Optical Material from DNA: Light-Modifying Nanoparticles
- Wireless Power Could Revolutionize Highway Transportation
- Climate Shift Could Leave Some Marine Species Homeless
- Scientists Create First Atomic X-Ray Laser
- Tycho's Star Shines in Gamma Rays, NASA's Fermi Shows
- Stem Cells Can Repair a Damaged Cornea
- Relay Race With Single Atoms: New Ways of Manipulating Matter
- First Plants Caused Ice Ages, New Research Reveals
- Clocking an Accelerating Universe: First Results from BOSS
- 'Matrix'-Style Effortless Learning? Vision Scientists Demonstrate Innovative Learning Method
- Cassini Spies Wave Rattling Jet Stream On Jupiter
- Australian Saltwater Crocodiles Are World’s Most Powerful Biters
- DNA Motor Programmed to Navigate a Network of Tracks
- Growing Without Cell Division: Mechanism Responsible for Cell Polyploidy Pinpointed?
- Members of Small Monkey Groups More Likely to Fight for Their Group
- Nasty People in the Media Prime the Brain for Aggression
- Researchers Complete Mollusk Evolutionary Tree
- Wave Character of Individual Molecules Revealed
- Leaping Lizards and Dinosaurs Inspire Robot Design
- Asteroid Lutetia: Primitive Body from Solar System's Planet-Forming Period
- Rebuilding the Brain's Circuitry
- New Study Lowers Estimate of Ancient Sea-Level Rise
- Astronomers Explain Blue Stragglers: How Do Mysterious Stars Stay So Young?
- Light Created from a Vacuum: Casimir Effect Observed in Superconducting Circuit
- Feeding Habits of Teenage Galaxies
- Evidence for 'Great Lake' On Europa and Potential New Habitat for Life
- DNA Nanorobot Triggers Targeted Therapeutic Responses
- T-Rays Technology Could Help Develop Star Trek-Style Hand-Held Medical Scanners
- Corals 'Could Survive a More Acidic Ocean'

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0 15 2013-02-28 01:49:50  Виктор
0 2 2013-02-28 01:49:32  Виктор
0 1 2013-02-28 01:49:13  Виктор
0 7 2013-02-28 01:48:51  Виктор
0 46 2013-02-28 01:48:32  Виктор
0 2 2013-02-28 01:41:07  Виктор
0 2 2013-02-28 01:40:48  Виктор
0 2 2013-02-28 01:40:31  Виктор
0 54 2013-02-28 01:40:13  Виктор
0 1 2013-02-28 01:39:03  Виктор
0 21 2013-02-28 01:38:40  Виктор
0 4 2013-02-28 01:38:22  Виктор
0 3 2013-02-28 01:38:01  Виктор
0 6 2013-02-28 01:37:44  Виктор
0 5 2013-02-28 01:37:26  Виктор
0 1 2013-02-28 01:37:01  Виктор
0 2 2013-02-28 01:35:40  Виктор
0 4 2013-02-28 01:35:19  Виктор

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